Tuesday 27 November 2012

Gifts that won't collect dust

As the gift giving season quickly approaches, I glance around my children's bedrooms and see a lot of wasted money. Sure the toys initially brought them joy. He loved the Crayola book and Lego sets, she went bonkers for the tutus and play purse, but the joy wore off PDQ(pretty darn quick).

 Now, they get scattered around the house and have become the bane of my domestic goddess-ness. Lego and doll clothes EVERYWHERE.

I have friends and family who are in the same boat. Toys-r-Us vomited all over their house and the little ankle-bitters are asking for more. Well, I can't do it. Hubby and I have bought a few gifts, but for friends and family, mostly family as they will understand are getting gifts that do not collect dust. EVER.

I have compiled a list to help inspire me and hopefully you too:

Gift giving for kids is tough. Especially when that kid has a large family.
Cooking classes ie: PC Cooking Classes or Petit Chefs Academy
Tickets to the Toronto Zoo
A session of swimming lessons or gymnastics
A donation to a charity Toronto Hospital for Sick KidsMcMaster Children's Hospital, world wildlife fund, world vision or local food banks.
Movie gift cards

Now the question, is what to get them, what would they enjoy and most importantly, what am I willing to spend!

What non-dust collecting gifts are you contemplating this year? What ones have you gotten that were worth their weight in gold??

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