Tuesday 11 December 2012

That holiday spirit

So this is Christmas... And what have you done?

John asked that question years ago and seems he does annually.
How have you tried to improve the world you live in? How has the human spirit thrived through you?

At this time of year we rush to find places to volunteer, donate and support. Ask any charity, this seems to be the best time of year for them, hands down.
But why? Is it because we can't stand to see others not enjoying the sanctity of family, tucked in the bosom of peace and security? We insist every child should have a smile on their faces at this time of year.

I'll tell you why this is. At least in my opinion. This is the time of year we feel the most pressure, socially,morally, spiritually to be the kind of person our moms wanted us to be. Kind, generous, giving almost to a fault. The kind of person we want our children to be. Unafraid of being a little vulnerable, to put a $10 in the charity kettle, buy a few toys for the toy drive at the fire hall, be bold and adopt a family at Christmas, send baked goods to the seniors home. All these selfless acts find their way into being at the end of every year.
The air is thick with them. Why the other night, the news reported a person paying off 18 lay-away accounts at their local Walmart. This stranger bought toys for kids!

Two adorable Secret Santas
This week we are taking our two out to Walmart or toys r us to buy a bunch of toys and leave them in the donation pen at the mall. I hope by showing him (age 6) that its ok to do these things. That it makes us feel good to share a bit of what we have.

"Can you believe how good we feel!??"
So I packed the family up after dinner tonight and headed to the mall. The concept came pretty easily to both my children. We bought boots, hats, and of course toys. If the kids on the receiving end are anything like my brother and I, they won't be too thrilled by the clothing, but their parents will.

There was only two moments of "not happy"; one when DD freaked out that Daddy put some dolls in the cart, "I DON"T WANT THOSE!!" It was resolved by telling her they weren't for her.  The BIG fight over who got to put the bags in the donation pen.
Can you believe it?? They couldn't decide who would be the one to "give".
My heart grew three sizes!

My son even smiled his gappy-toothed grin and asked if we could meet the kids we were buying for, so he could play with them and make friends. What a kid.....

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